Be daring, be different, be original, be impractical, be anything, that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative visions against play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace, the slave of ordinary.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Brow's Raised

Kylvin and I have only gotten a mere start on what is in store for you guys this semester. You all can look forward to new blog posts periodically, containing topics such as "What's Hot and What's Not", "What's in Your Closet", "In the Streets", "Seasonal Previews", "Campus Fashion Spotlights", and much more!
Any mistakes or if you see room for improvement... CALL US OUT, in a polite manor of course!!! We want to hear from you, your input and suggestions can be Channeled 
 in to improvement! 

*Here's a fashion peak at what we've been working on!*
